Become a stronger leader without stress 


 Plan a free coaching  

and charge your battery 


Take care of your well-being and become a better leader  

Say goodbye to the stress of the "leadershit" 

 Prevent that you:    

  • bursting out towards to your friends and family;
  • cannot stop your endless thoughts; 
  • feel uncertain, panic or fear;
  • cannot sleep at the night;
  • start sweating without reason; 
  • sit at home with burnout;
  • look like a zombie;

 Book here a free coaching      

Calling all leaders, whether you are a CEO, function head, team leader or project lead.

I work as an organisational psychologist to help companies balance people, planet and profit. I try to uncover perspectives that keep leaders stuck and build up energy to change in a way that is real, personal and value adding to all stakeholders in their setting.

Leaders often want to sponsor these projects, because they feel that the organisation benefits from the credibility, depth and business impact of the solutions. 

In the last 20 years I have worked with leaders and their teams to cope with change: make sense of chaos, understand their role and focus on what needs to be done to work for all stakeholders.

I have developed the psychological wellbeing-test because healthy, sustainable organisations are more profitable and a better place to work.

Warm regards,


Are you a leader like a CEO, COO, manager, director, team leader or project coordinator? 

Does this role give you so much stress that it leaves you depleted from all your energy. Do you feel that your battery charging stand is so low that you could sleep for a year?

Do you feel grumpy, irritated, frustrated or like a failure? 

Hi I am Niels van Steenbergen and I work from an organization psychology background as a coach and consultant. 

Sometimes clients call me the elephant man because I help them to see, understand and solve the elephant in the room.

In the last 20 years I helped, more than 500 executives like you to cope with their “leadershit”: leadership issues that give stress, make you sleep bad or make you feel uncertain, lonely or depressed. 

In my book stress-free leadership: I present a 7 step model that already helped many leaders to take up a role that is more effective, focused and fun. 

It not only makes you a better, but also a more appreciated leader!

I’m looking forward to explore the elephant in the room with you during the coaching

Kind regards Niels

 Prevent that you:    

“Niels learned me to reflect on my self "

"To solve problems It's important that you can reflect on your self and your organisation. Niels learned me and my team this skill."

Roland Groen, 
-cto EDIA BV

“His insights are valuable"

“The insights of Niels about the complex systems and organisational processes, are very valuable. He challenge me to reflect on my own leadership which helped me to become a better leader"

Marjolein Robijn 
-Head Life Sciences - Sciences domein at NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research)

“Hij is in staat om met diepere energievelden te werken"

"Niels ken ik als iemand die heel goed in staat is om met de diepere energievelden in een persoon of een proces te werken."

Lotten Kärre
- Adviseur  leren en ontwikkeling (HR) Wageniningen University

“De essentie van stressvrij leiderschap is om het impliciete expliciet te maken"

“Hij heeft mij geleerd om het impliciete expliciet te maken en daarmee de groep de tools te geven om zelf verantwoordelijkheid te durven nemen"

Sander Janssen, 
-teamleider, Earth Informatics, WEnR 

“Hij weet het op een lichte manier te benaderen" 

"Niels kijkt  onder de oppervlakte van het leidinggeven. Als psycholoog analyseert hij de onderbuikgevoelens en onbewuste processen die hierbij een rol spelen. Dat is geen makkelijk onderwerp, maar hij weet het op een verrassend lichte en concrete manier te benaderen.” 

Prof. dr. Max Welling
-Vice president technologies, Qualcomm,
hoogleraar computer wetenschappen, Institute of Informatics
University of Amsterdam (UvA)."  

“Zijn benadering levert mooie nieuwe inzichten op"

Ondanks dat ik regelmatig stilsta bij de teamdynamieken en na ga waar blokkades bij mezelf en bij anderen zitten, levert de  benadering van Niels mij mooie nieuwe inzichten op. Door niet te stoppen bij de observaties en reflecties, maar op grond daarvan hypotheses te formuleren én te toetsen. Stressvrij leiderschap vraagt om aandacht te besteden aan de processen die er toe doen” 

Marion Herens
-Food and nutrition security expert Wageningen University 

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